Disposables designed for greater safety and ease of use
The features of the S3 monitor are based on ready-to-use devices requiring minimal preparation and reducing handling before and after the dialysis session.

> An optimized blood module
Integrated ready-to-use blood line grouping arterial-venous line and
pressure connectors. This ready to use system allows:
– Simple and intuitive installation of the blood modul,
– Reduces the number of interventions.

> Innovative dialysate cassette
• The dialysate cassette is designed with an innovative concept assuring all functions of an in-center dialysis monitor, as well as the SeCoHD therapy.
• The dialysate cassette is automatically and safely loaded in to position by the S3 monitor.

> Sterile and pyrogen-free dialysate bags
• Use of sterile and pyrogen-free dialysate bags, produced according to pharmaceutical standards, removes any risk of pyrogen transfer through the high-flux dialysers membranes.
• Bicarbonate and lactate dialysate formulas allow adapting of the medical prescription according to the patient profile.

> A dialyser according to the medical prescription
The nephrology is free to choose the dialyser providing the best performances of toxin removal according to patient needs. SeCoHD therapy is optimized when high-flux membranes are prescribed – an open membrane is improving convection performances